The Season of our Rejoicing is almost here!

  • Rosh Hashanah 5785
  • Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement
  • Sukkos - Feast of Tabernacles

October 17–23, 2024   ·   15–21 Tishrei, 5785

October 17–23, 2024
15–21 Tishrei, 5785

The Feast of Tabernacles

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with books we recommend

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  • Stacks Image 4634230

    The Artscroll Illustrated Birchon
    The Grace After Meals

    This little booklet (5-1/2" x 7") presents the Bircas HaMazon (the Blessings after the Meal) in an easy-to-read format, along with the Sheva Berachos (Seven Wedding Blessings), all stunningly illustrated in full color. Every page is film-laminated to make it easy to clean, so you can let your children use it without worries.

    Purchase it here.

    The Artscroll Illustrated Birchon
    The Grace After Meals

    This little booklet (5-1/2" x 7") presents the Bircas HaMazon (the Blessings after the Meal) in an easy-to-read format, along with the Sheva Berachos (Seven Wedding Blessings), all stunningly illustrated in full color. Every page is film-laminated to make it easy to clean, so you can let your children use it without worries.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4632558

    Siddur Tehillat Hashem
    With Annotated English Translation (English and Hebrew Edition)

    Siddur Tehillat Hashem
    With Annotated English Translation (English and Hebrew Edition)

    • Easy-to-follow English instructions appear on both the English and Hebrew pages.
    • Shaded boxes indicate prayer changes for special occasions.
    • Transliterated essentials, like Kaddish and Borchu, appear as needed - no page flipping necessary.
    • Instructions for sitting, standing, and other customs.
    • Headings identify major prayer sections.
    • Diagrams for putting on tallis and tefillin, and waving the lulav.

    This siddur is one which our community uses on a regular basis.

    Purchase it here.

    • Easy-to-follow English instructions appear on both the English and Hebrew pages.
    • Shaded boxes indicate prayer changes for special occasions.
    • Transliterated essentials, like Kaddish and Borchu, appear as needed - no page flipping necessary.
    • Instructions for sitting, standing, and other customs.
    • Headings identify major prayer sections.
    • Diagrams for putting on tallis and tefillin, and waving the lulav.

    This siddur is one which our community uses on a regular basis.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4632522

    My Father, My Mother & Me
    Sons and daughters tell of their devotion, challenges, and successes in honoring their parents.

    My Father, My Mother & Me
    Sons and daughters tell of their devotion, challenges, and successes in honoring their parents.

    Do we know how the Torah expects us, grownup children, to treat our parents? What about step-parents or in-laws? What are our financial obligations? How do we balance our own needs, and the needs of our family, with those of our parents? What happens when our parents divorce? Or if a parent has a difficult or abusive personality? Do we have to love our parents?

    • More than 170 stories of sons and daughters - of all ages - rising to the challenge of kibud av v'eim (honoring father and mother)
    • Strategies and common sense advice on dealing with the sensitive issues of "the sunset years"
    • Comprehensive and clear halachos of kibud av v'eim

    My Father, My Mother and Me is a must-read book for everyone. Because everyone is someone's child.

    Do we know how the Torah expects us, grownup children, to treat our parents? What about step-parents or in-laws? What are our financial obligations? How do we balance our own needs, and the needs of our family, with those of our parents? What happens when our parents divorce? Or if a parent has a difficult or abusive personality? Do we have to love our parents?

    • More than 170 stories of sons and daughters - of all ages - rising to the challenge of
    kibud av v'eim (honoring father and mother)
    • Strategies and common sense advice on dealing with the sensitive issues of "the sunset years"
    • Comprehensive and clear halachos of
    kibud av v'eim

    My Father, My Mother and Me is a must-read book for everyone. Because everyone is someone's child.

  • Stacks Image 4632570

    Honor Them, Revere Them
    A Lesson-a-Day on Kibbud Av va'Eim

    • The power of daily readings
    • The insights of two world-class educators, drawing upon countless Torah sources
    • Practical halachos with comments of leading contemporary poskim
    • And hundreds of personal, inspiring stories .

    Here is a book that will enrich and transform your life - in just a few minutes a day.

    In short daily readings, we will discover how to honor and revere our parents, through true stories, Torah insights, and practical advice. By reading about kibbud av va’eim every single day, we incorporate these ideas into our minds, hearts – and actions.

    The Torah itself promises special reward to those who properly honor their parents. This book will help us to do that in the best possible way.

    Purchase it here.

    Honor Them, Revere Them
    A Lesson-a-Day on Kibbud Av va'Eim

    • The power of daily readings
    • The insights of two world-class educators, drawing upon countless Torah sources
    • Practical halachos with comments of leading contemporary poskim
    • And hundreds of personal, inspiring stories .

    Here is a book that will enrich and transform your life - in just a few minutes a day.

    In short daily readings, we will discover how to honor and revere our parents, through true stories, Torah insights, and practical advice. By reading about kibbud av va’eim every single day, we incorporate these ideas into our minds, hearts – and actions.

    The Torah itself promises special reward to those who properly honor their parents. This book will help us to do that in the best possible way.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4632526

    Chofetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day
    The Concepts and Laws of Proper Speech Arranged for Daily Study

    Rabbi Yisrael Meir ha-Kohen, known to all as the Chofetz Chaim (One Who Desires Life), was famed for his teachings on safeguarding proper speech and promoting awareness of the powers of the tongue.

    Stories abound about the Chofetz Chaim’s legendary humility, sensitivity, and genuine love for every individual.

    This book, based on his works, lays out the concepts and laws of proper speech in a style arranged for daily study.

    Purchase it here.

    Chofetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day
    The Concepts and Laws of Proper Speech Arranged for Daily Study

    Rabbi Yisrael Meir ha-Kohen, known to all as the Chofetz Chaim (One Who Desires Life), was famed for his teachings on safeguarding proper speech and promoting awareness of the powers of the tongue.

    Stories abound about the Chofetz Chaim’s legendary humility, sensitivity, and genuine love for every individual.

    This book, based on his works, lays out the concepts and laws of proper speech in a style arranged for daily study.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4632528

    Stories My Grandfather Told Me
    5 Volumes of Tales for the Weekly Torah Portions

    You can't go wrong with good stories — and you can never get enough of them! That is an old but familiar story to anyone who has ever wanted an enjoyable read or needed something to enliven the Shabbos table or add spice to a conversation or speech.

    Here is a collection of stories that have stood the test of time — and the much more difficult feat of keeping the interest of listeners, especially young ones.

    Purchase it here.

    Stories My Grandfather Told Me
    5 Volumes of Tales for the Weekly Torah Portions

    You can't go wrong with good stories — and you can never get enough of them! That is an old but familiar story to anyone who has ever wanted an enjoyable read or needed something to enliven the Shabbos table or add spice to a conversation or speech.

    Here is a collection of stories that have stood the test of time — and the much more difficult feat of keeping the interest of listeners, especially young ones.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4632530

    Tales Of Tzaddikim
    5 Volumes of Tales for the Weekly Torah Portions

    A wonderful collection of stories from our Sages and the great Torah and Chassidic leaders, arranged according to the Sidra.

    The Talmud teaches that, in significant ways, a student benefits more from serving and observing his teachers than from studying under them ... because there are priceless lessons to be learned from the way a great person acts, from the way he absorbs the teachings of the Torah and lets them transform him into an ambassador of G-d among men.

    This book is a treasure house of such stories: stories from the Talmud, stories from the Midrash, stories about great men throughout the centuries. These hundreds of stories are filled with the warmth and wisdom of the Torah translated into the lives of its people.

    Purchase it here.

    Tales Of Tzaddikim
    5 Volumes of Tales for the Weekly Torah Portions

    A wonderful collection of stories from our Sages and the great Torah and Chassidic leaders, arranged according to the Sidra.

    The Talmud teaches that, in significant ways, a student benefits more from serving and observing his teachers than from studying under them ... because there are priceless lessons to be learned from the way a great person acts, from the way he absorbs the teachings of the Torah and lets them transform him into an ambassador of G-d among men.

    This book is a treasure house of such stories: stories from the Talmud, stories from the Midrash, stories about great men throughout the centuries. These hundreds of stories are filled with the warmth and wisdom of the Torah translated into the lives of its people.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4633660

    Torah Rediscovered
    by Ariel and D'vorah Berkowitz

    A Biblical word study on the Hebrew term "Torah." This book attempts to present the five books of Moses in a positive light as God's instruction book for all, especially for believers in Yeshua the Messiah.

    This book will change your life. Gracious in its tone, stunning in its revelations, it is a fundamentally transformative work that should be read by everyone who seeks to truly understand their Bible.

    Purchase it here.

    Torah Rediscovered
    by Ariel and D'vorah Berkowitz

    A Biblical word study on the Hebrew term "Torah." This book attempts to present the five books of Moses in a positive light as God's instruction book for all, especially for believers in Yeshua the Messiah.

    This book will change your life. Gracious in its tone, stunning in its revelations, it is a fundamentally transformative work that should be read by everyone who seeks to truly understand their Bible.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4633323

    Our Hands are Stained with Blood
    The Tragic Story of the Church and the Jewish People

    The pages of church history are marked by countless horrors committed against the Jewish people.

    From the first persecutions of the Jews in the fourth century to the horrors of the Holocaust, from Israel-bashing in today's press to anti-Semitism spouted from the pulpit, this painful book tells the tragic story that every Christian must read.

    In a freshly updated and expanded edition of this pivotal work, Dr. Michael Brown exposes the faulty theological roots that opened the door to anti-Semitism in Church history, explaining why well-meaning believers so often fall into the trap of hate... and showing how individuals can bring an end to the cycle of violence.

    Purchase it here.

    Our Hands are Stained with Blood
    The Tragic Story of the Church and the Jewish People

    The pages of church history are marked by countless horrors committed against the Jewish people.

    From the first persecutions of the Jews in the fourth century to the horrors of the Holocaust, from Israel-bashing in today's press to anti-Semitism spouted from the pulpit, this painful book tells the tragic story that every Christian must read.

    In a freshly updated and expanded edition of this pivotal work, Dr. Michael Brown exposes the faulty theological roots that opened the door to anti-Semitism in Church history, explaining why well-meaning believers so often fall into the trap of hate... and showing how individuals can bring an end to the cycle of violence.

    Purchase it here.

  • Stacks Image 4638370

    Jewish Bread for Gentile Beggars
    Or, The Jewish Jesus for Gentile Beginners
    by R.V. Constant

    "A eureka moment in slow motion -- like the born again being born again!"... is how the author describes his realization that the Bible's spiritual DNA is Jewish. Reading the words of Jesus from the perspective of His Jewish audience is like putting on infra-red glasses: hitherto invisible spiritual hot spots miraculously emerge, and our Jewish Messiah stands before us with ever-increasing clarity.

    This book's strength is that the author approaches this subject with honesty and understanding for the reservations--even suspicions--the sincere enquirer may have when daring to take the plunge and give this whole "Jewish thing" a go. Russ Constant believes that this approach to unlocking the Scriptures - and the words of Jesus in particular -- is not just another niche fad, but rather is the essential key for a life-long journey of discovery which will not disappoint.

    In this book, he takes several narratives from the Gospels and explains them in terms of their Jewish cultural and historical context, synthesising insights from major figures in the Messianic Movement in order to expose the rich seam of significance contained within. The use of extra-biblical sources, such as the Talmud, gives the book an added dimension. Both the humble Gentile and the curious Jew, even as novice inquirers, can benefit from this book. The chapters are all "stand alone," so they can be dipped into at any point.

    Purchase it here.

    Jewish Bread for Gentile Beggars
    Or, The Jewish Jesus for Gentile Beginners

    by R.V. Constant

    "A eureka moment in slow motion -- like the born again being born again!"... is how the author describes his realization that the Bible's spiritual DNA is Jewish. Reading the words of Jesus from the perspective of His Jewish audience is like putting on infra-red glasses: hitherto invisible spiritual hot spots miraculously emerge, and our Jewish Messiah stands before us with ever-increasing clarity.

    This book's strength is that the author approaches this subject with honesty and understanding for the reservations--even suspicions--the sincere enquirer may have when daring to take the plunge and give this whole "Jewish thing" a go. Russ Constant believes that this approach to unlocking the Scriptures - and the words of Jesus in particular -- is not just another niche fad, but rather is the essential key for a life-long journey of discovery which will not disappoint.

    In this book, he takes several narratives from the Gospels and explains them in terms of their Jewish cultural and historical context, synthesising insights from major figures in the Messianic Movement in order to expose the rich seam of significance contained within. The use of extra-biblical sources, such as the Talmud, gives the book an added dimension. Both the humble Gentile and the curious Jew, even as novice inquirers, can benefit from this book. The chapters are all "stand alone," so they can be dipped into at any point.

    Purchase it here.

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